Leave a Lasting Legacy
Under a single roof
Because many successful people are under a great deal of day-to-day pressure, by necessity
they focus on the short-term demands of family, career and community—often to the
exclusion of long-term financial planning. One of the unintended consequences is so-called
segmented planning: An assortment of financial firms and advisors are consulted, each to
handle an immediate or isolated issue—and none is in a position to see all the financial
pieces or to coordinate them. The result is like a football team with strong players but no
coach. All too often, affluent families lose significant sums to inefficiencies and missed
opportunities. Even worse are the potential gaps: an insurance policy you should have had
that could have saved your family millions of dollars—if only each of your advisors hadn’t
thought someone else was taking care of that issue.
Contact our Wealth Advisor to look at the whole picture.